就活の話 その2

さて、11月。 オーストラリアに来たとは言えど、土日のうちの数時間くらいは自分の娯楽100%な時間も持ちたいもので(僕はこれをストレスを溜めないためと合理化している)、動画アプリで好きなプロ麻雀選手の試合や、ゲーム実況(これに関してはたまに英語のも)…

11/7 "Can I have Coke??"

Hallo everyone!! Today's title is the phrase which I used in plain when I was coming to Brisbane. Perhaps, it was my first English in this long adventure. Free Coke! Please watch a movie for the first place. pic.twitter.com/EtnUBCw3XT— ぷ…

11/3 No gamble, No life(日本語)

さて、突然ですがやってしまいました。 また行ってしまったのです、、 そうです、カジノです、、、 沼 以前英語で書いたように、初回に+50AUD(1AUDは80円ちょい) のちょい勝ちを収めたあと、実はその2日後にもまた同じ台湾人の友達と行って+90AUD勝っていま…

11/2 poké-communication

Hey guys! How are you? I'm very good and I wanna tell you my great experience today. The Best Day Do you know what day It was?? Probably you don't know, but It was the start of A Colossal Discovery, which is the big event in PokémonGO. If …

11/1 ことば

日本の方に読んで欲しいのできょうは日本語で。 授業のディスカッションの中で、日本のことわざやよく使うフレーズを外国人に英語で伝えるシーンがよくあります。 日本人にとっては当たり前でも、一つ一つに日本ならではの風習や、価値観が反映されているこ…

10/30 Halloween eve!!

Hallo! and, tomorrow is.. Halloween!! In my school, every student has no class at 31st October afternoon and there is the event on campus. I heard many students would come school with costume every year. Most of my friends don't wear it, b…

10/29 Life is a gamble

Long time no see! What are you doing now?? My first gamble Today, I had a great time at Casino. It was the first time for me because there is no Casino in Japan. We are not allowed to take some pictures so as not to commit cheating but I h…

10/21 Popular TV show

Hello everyone! Do you know what's a famous TV show in AUS?? I didn't known until I came here, but there is the one which my mother often watch at dinner time. Ref:Return of the Masks: Groups A & B | The Masked Singer Season 2 Episode 1 (F…

10/19.20 summary of weekend

I have already tired of writing, but I try little more. This is the summary of my weekend. library is closed too early, especially in holyday cashless is spread more than Japan beer is good I'm getting frustrated because of low glowth Then…


I'm sorry, but I'm too sleepy to write. furthermore, I forgot to take some pictures.... the week finished, but I have no plan this holiday, ..... I have many things to do..I will do tomorrow... have a good night

Let's go to the new community!10/17

How are you doing? Is there a something new around you?? A few days ago, my Japanese friends told me "Meetup". It is like a kind of SNS, where people can make, hold, and attend a occasion to make friends and communicate with those who are …

Japan, the safest country 10/16

Hi! How are you?? Today's my class is about crime. There are a lot of words I didn't know, for example, mugging, fraud, smuggling, blackmail, bribe, and so on. Then, In the discussion, I learned the difference amang my classmate's country.…

Cultural differences 10/15

Hi, what are you going? In Japan, yesterday seemed to be a holiday. I noticed it today. So, today may have been start of the hard week for many people in Japan. In my school, Monday is review day, so new lessons start Tuesday. Many new cla…

My life 10/14

Hallo everyone! How was your start of a week? my start of a week In my school, I have to take a test about what I studied last week. It was first time for me and the result was 76%. That's not bad, but listening part was terrible. I notice…

My life 10/13

Hi, how was your holyday? Mine was good. Today, my friend in my language school invited me to the conversation club which was held in the library. There were about 30 people and we are devided in the group of 5 people. So, each group had d…

My life 10/12

Hi everyone in japan, are you OK?? Aren't there any troubles??? In Brisbane, it was also rainy today. So, I've stayed home all day. I'm trying various ways of studying English. ① talking with family My basic and important practice is conve…

春休みに男4人で車に乗って5日間のサイコロ旅をした話 その4

気づけば10月!やばい全然書いてない!!それどころか更なる旅もしてしまった! ということで、勉強の合間に日本語のブログも進めていきたい。時間がかかりすぎたので多分こっちではもう書かない笑 3日目!! 前回を書いたのがかなり前だったので覚えている…

My life in 🇦🇺 10/11

How are you doing? As I had the first week, there's something I thought,so I'll write about it. In this week, I met many friendsand teachers ‍‍ who are from various countries. Though, I can't understand most of what they wanna tell me. Of …

My life in Australia 10/10

Hi! What's up! Today's topic is about meal. What did you have today?? bread,pasta, or rice?? My hostmother Kate serves a very good meal everytime, so I show some of it. As you may know, my family don't eat any rice. But I'm so satisfied no…

My life in Australia 10/9

Hallo everyone! Finally, My English classes started! According to the result of the placement test which I did yesterday, I attended upper-Intermediate class. It means「中の上」in Japanese. It was not bad. Though, regarding Writing and Lis…

My life in Australia 10/8

How are you today! I know this is sudden, but I have a quiz today. Which coin is the most valuable in this picture??(Except Japanese coin) (a,b,e→silver coler c,d →gold color) Answer from a ~ e, please. . . . . . . . . . . . The answer is.…

My life in Australia 10/7

How are you doing?I'm great! I'll write about my means of transportation this time. today I challenged to go to school by my self. Then,I realized that my attending school is so fun! I got on a ferry,City Cat. this is a public transportati…

My life in Australia!! 10/6

Hi!! What's up?! Finally, I started my studying abroad in Brisbane,Australia!! About my staying, I use English in this weblog. To practice is everything,in anything. Today I'll write about my host Family. Fortunately,my host family are sup…


外が騒がしい。 ザーザー、ゴーゴー、パトカーのサイレンもたまに聞こえてくる。 今回の台風は特別つよいらしい。こわい。 今日は僕が自己肯定感をまた少し高められた話。 バイトにて 今年の春からカラオケでバイトを始め早く半年になろうとしていて、もうワ…


しばらくぶりの投稿となりました。みなさんお元気でお過ごしでしょうか。 僕は元気じゃなかったです。 タイトルにもありますが、夏風邪にかかってしまいました。やっと平熱まで下がったものの、一週間丸々寝込んでしまい、バイト先や友達に迷惑をかけました…

8/9 日記

前日の飲みを引きずって12時起床、二度寝13時再起床。 この日は中学の同級生の入院している病院へ。 見舞うという日本語 お見舞い、見舞う、などと普段何気なく使うこの言葉、よく考えるといまいちわからない。「舞う」ってなんやねん。 ということで、調べ…

就活の話 その1

留年を決めてから、自分と向き合う時間が増えました。その中で「本当に自分がやりたいのは教員しかないのか?」という疑問への答えがなんとなく見えてきました。ということで、就活の話。 動き出す俺 いろいろ考えたことや経緯はありますがそれは置いといて…


夏休みということで、僕のやっていた実験の話。気になったことはすぐ調べたくなってしまう性質なので、予定はないがシリーズ化した時のために「その1」としておく。 呼んでもいない客 5月ごろの話だが、うちに小蝿がめちゃ湧くようになった。 どっから来るの…

7/28 29 日記

あつい 暑い。なぜなら、夏だからだ。ん?暑いから夏なのか?いや、夏だから暑いのだ。 おかしいくらい暑い。高校時代はこんな中野球なんていう地獄巡りをやっていたのかと、本当に昔の自分を疑う。 ブリスベンの気候 ふと思った。僕がこれから留学(詳しくは…


最近高校の友達と飲みに行く機会があり、生活習慣について考え直す機会を得た。 睡眠の質と健康の一石二鳥 結論から言うと、僕はプロジェクターを購入した。高校の同級生と久々に飲んだ時に教えてもらったもので、とても魅力を感じその日のうちにポチってし…